Committed 2 care will do everything possible to keep you safe in our care at all times and protect you from all forms of abuse and neglect, working with you and other agencies to prevent avoidable harm. We do this by:
- Ensuring that we have a robust Management structure and effective care software systems to support the operational management of the Company, ensuring good levels of staffing, comprehensive care planning & documentation.
- Ensuring that our staff are well chosen, well trained and skilled to provide the right Care, able to adapt and manage any situation and recognise important interventions. Make service improvements where necessary ensuring that lessons are learnt, and improvements made to services as required.
- Giving you the information, you need to make informed choices about your care. Staff at Committed 2 care understand that knowledge gives you more power over your health and well being.
- Using robust policies and procedures – to support the delivery of all services.
- Delivering specialist inductions and training -to support the delivery of all services.
- Managing Safety concerns; effective Reporting and Recording of incidents/hazards.
Find out more on how we ensure the services which we provide are Safe for our staff and residents.
Committed 2 care believe in care that is excellent in every aspect. This care is tailored, well managed and can be measured.
The service we provide is effective because:
- We Employ skilled management staff who have the right knowledge, skills and qualifications to
- We are pro active in care delivery we will put any appropriate measures into place to promote and improve health
- We make information accessible in a way that you can understand, about your care, medication and the services being offered and how you can tell us if there is something you do not like about our services.
- We consult you on your wishes, history and preferences in the assessment and put this in your care plan. We will check this is up to date when your care plan is reviewed. We will make sure that your care plan is updated if your care needs change.
- We obtain consent which is informed and any changes are shared with you.
- We will ask for your informed consent to care and any changes to it in all decisions about your care.
- We will make sure you understand information and what is said, providing you with the support you need and giving you the help that you require to make your voice heard.
Find out more on how we ensure our services are Effective for all our care workers and residents.
Committed 2 care completely believe that a person-centred approach is the only way to deliver optimum care: Currently rated as Outstanding with the CQC – its what we excel at
- Staff will take an interest in what makes you, you; the things you want to share from memories, the things you like and do not like, current interests, needs and life goals
- Staff will treat you with dignity in the way they speak with you and the way they behave.
- Staff will give you the time you need we will never rush calls and will always do as much as you need on each visit
- We will assist you in continuing to use your skills and in developing new ones
- We will uphold your right to privacy in all aspects of your care, personal affairs and belongings. All information will be treated as confidential and only shared with your consent or your representative’s consent.
- Information about you will be protected and stored to meet legal requirements and only kept for as long as is necessary.
Find out more on how the Committed 2 care team make sure the services that we provide are kept running at an Outstanding rating in Caring as currently rated by CQC.
Committed 2 care will be responsive to what we see, hear and know, to ensure that you maintain your health and wellbeing.
- Care staff will ensure that they are up to date with what is in your care plans and make changes when they are needed.
- Committed 2 care welcomes complaints, compliments and issues raised and will always take them seriously, investigate and take the action needed to put things right, and improve the service we offer.
- Management incorporates lessons learned into all areas of practice and is constantly reviewing systems to identify improvements
- Staff will work with other professionals to ensure that care is joined up and delivered seamlessly
Find out more on how we ensure our team are Responsive and that all our residents requirements and needs are fulfilled.
Committed 2 care is a well-led organisation, knowing its responsibilities and carrying out duties to the best of its ability
- The management staff of are available and approachable for service users and staff alike.
- The management staff have the skills to monitor the service and make changes when they are needed.
- The management staff operate an honesty policy and are always available to listen, advise give solutions on how to put things right.
- Committed 2 care welcomes constructive feedback from anyone involved with the service and will use this information to develop the company.
- works in partnership with a wide number of other agencies for the improved provision of the services and the better experience for service users.
- Committed 2 care utilise the latest high-quality systems to support the operational and strategic development of the company.
Find out more on how our registered manager and team work together to provide our Well-led services.