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Effective service

Effective service

Effective service

Committed2Care will ensure service is effective by:

  • Training all care workers to have the right skills and knowledge.
  • Providing all care workers regular support, induction, supervision, appraisals and training
  • Seeking the views of our care workers, the people we support, family members and other professional stake holders.
  • Undertake observation and supervision to ensure good practice and service is being provided.
  • Ensure all staff have a full induction and practical training prior to commencement of duties on their own (All training will be in line with the Care Certificate and care skills). Care workers signed off as competent to care on completion.
  • All care workers given the opportunity to develop their skills, by accessing specialist training and undertaking NVQ’s 1,2,3,4 and 5.
  • Auditing carer files to ensure all checks have been completed.
  • Audit files of the people we support to include daily records and MAR charts kept in the person's home. This information will be collated and where performance is below standard, an action plan will be put in to place.
  • All care staff will be given training on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 so that they are fully aware of the requirements under this act. Where we have clients who lack capacity, our care workers will be trained to follow legal requirements in making any best interest decisions. Where challenging behaviour is present with any of the people we support, training and guidance will be provided to enable our care workers to manage the potential risk in a safe way for all concerned. Our staff will confirm consent for all interventions.
  • All people who seek support from our service will be given information about the service and what can be provided. Prior to a service starting, people will be invited to confirm that they are in agreement and sign to consent to the service. Where capacity is lacking, then consent will be obtained from the legal guardian / Court of Protection and Power of attorney.
  • Ensure that we include an assessment on ensuring people have enough to eat and drink and that this is done in a safe way. Where there are risks, for example with swallowing, specialist advice would be sought.