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Well led

Well led

Well led

Committed2Care will ensure our service is well led by:

  • Our service will be led by a registered manager who will ensure that small teams of care workers are developed to support people in an area. Each member of the team will have the responsibility for ensuring the team acts in a person-centred way and is open, inclusive and empowering.
  • Each person we support will have a link worker who will be responsible for setting up and regularly reviewing a person care plan and risk assessment. The link worker will ensure the care provided to this person is of a consistent, high-quality nature.
  • Our registered manager’s primary role is to act as a coach to the care team and empower them to resolve issues for themselves with the people they support if needed.
  • We do continue to develop our service in line with benefiting our community in which we work.
  • Our vision and values include involvement, compassion, dignity, independence, respect, equality and safety. These values will be shared with all our employees and used during recruitment, supervision and appraisal. The registered manager will also undertake observational supervision to ensure the attitudes, values and behaviour of carers are in line with that of the company. Where this is not observed additional support will be provided.
  • By operating in small groups / teams, the opportunity for being involved in the development of the service is high. As teams operate in a self-managing way with support from the registered manager, new and innovative approaches are likely to flourish.
  • The registered manager will take an active role in supporting the teams on a daily basis and help them to find solutions to any challenges they face.
  • The nominated person will conduct regular supervisions with the registered to ensure all conditions of the registration are met satisfactorily.
  • The registered manager will undertake regular quality assurance checks to ensure quality is continuously improved. Ongoing regular reviews will be undertaken to ensure we have data about service quality and improvements. This information will be collated and aggregated to ensure any trends are monitored and actioned if needed.
  • The service has available IT and finance specialists to support and advise on robust records and data management systems, as well as financial systems.
  • Both the registered manager and nominated person have worked closely with the Local Care Managers Network, local authority and NHS, so have strong links in terms of safeguarding, commissioning, quality and brokerage. We do endeavour to work closely with partner organisations including other domiciliary care agencies to ensure we are providing a consistent and high-quality service.
  • We do provide a nursing-led personal care service generally for complex needs and are also applying for nurse led status in palliative care and neurological conditions.
  • Our focus will always be maximising the health and well-being of our service users and doing everything we can to help them maintain and grow their personal freedoms and engagement with people and communities in which they live.
  • We also aim to provide enriching and rewarding work opportunities to our team of carefully selected healthcare workers.
  • We do also focus on developing a culture of openness, transparency, respect and personal responsibility. It is our aim for everyone to be united behind a vision to establish an exceptional care service that we can all be proud of.
  • 3 registered nurses undertake a clinical lead role and provides clinical oversight and management of the package of support.
  • Monthly care package reviews are carried out to review risk, compliments and complaints together with staff levels, skill mix and staff attendance. Monitoring safety through a range of evidence with the need and expectation of all parties involved will ensure multi-disciplinary care planning and client-centred delivery