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Committed2Care will ensure our service is caring by:

  • Ensuring carers provide support with kindness, dignity, respect and compassion and respecting the choices and decisions of the people they support. We ensure people are cared for in this way through the quality assurance assessments undertaken by the Quality / Compliance lead.
  • Our induction, training and monitoring will ensure that throughout our practice peoples' needs are respected regardless of their age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
  • Ensuring the care plan is a living document. We aim to develop the plan over the initial few weeks, to ensure all the requirements are fully documented and understood. We do have a link worker for each person we support who will be responsible for ensuring the information about the person is recorded accurately and that their wishes are truly respected.
  • The registered manager will be undertaking regular observation reviews of care delivered to ensure that our carers are providing support in a meaningful way and avoiding a task-led approach but instead are always person-centred.
  • Care planning will always involve the person concerned. If there is a reason this isn't possible, then we would look to working with the close circle of support such as advocates, GPs, social workers and family.
  • Train our care workers in maintaining confidentiality in line with our confidentiality policy.